So, I'm officially an expert. What next?

back to section start!
You've learnt a lot in this section, and it's time to put it to good use. You should now have no excuse for double clicking on things and them not working, or for having filetypes that DOpus doesn't know what to do with. Obviously the next step is to ask yourself why DOpus does things the wrong way for you and to start to make suggestions on how it can be improved. If you are connected, then there are several fora for you. To start with there's the Directory Opus mailing list, which is probably the best place to start.

Mailing list
Email and put the following text as the only text in the BODY of your email (the subject doesn't matter): subscribe dopus5, and make sure you keep the email you get back - it'll tell you how to unsubscribe and other things.

Direct contact
You can also get in touch with GPSoftware the following ways:

  • email: -
  • tel/fax: - +61 733 661 402
  • mail - GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060

There's also the GPSoft website which always has the latest news on Directoy Opus, as well as a good set of links to Internet wine shops...

Onwards and upwards!

Pick a chapter:

DOpus PLUS - giving you that bit extra...